
Over 10 years of experience now in Malmö

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are convenient and modern way to straighten your teeth, without the need for braces, your treatment plan will be designed by a computer program, and clear aligners delivered to you to change at home, week after week you will see the progress of your teeth movement.

Clear aligners are perfect for cosmetic treatments, small irregularities, slightly crooked teeth, small spaces and so on.

Consultation: 950 SEK.

Impressions of teeth: 1000 SEK.

Treatment plan (3D video): 2500 SEK.

Teeth Whitening

We offer home whitening using individually made plastic trays which fit on your teeth and bleaching gel thay you will apply on teeth using the plastic trays.

Clear Aligners

Small Package

29000 SEK

Medium Package

39000 SEK

Large Package

49000 SEK

Teeth Whitening

Home whitening

3500 SEK

Clinic whitening

4500 SEK

Spring offer!

Free whitening with all starting clear aligners treatments

*Offer can't be combined with other discounts/offers